Anthony Phillip HITCHCOCK - 26/01/2016
Parole Hearing
Under section 21(1) of the Parole Act 2002
Hearing for Postponement Order
27(4)(b) of the Parole Act 2002
Anthony Phillip HITCHCOCK
Hearing: 26 January 2016 Via AVL from NZPB Head Office, Wellington to [Withheld]
Members of the Board:
Alan Ritchie – Panel Convenor
Mr B McMurray
Mr J Thompson
Ms S Pakura
Mr G Crowley
Support Person: [Withheld]
1. Anthony Phillip Hitchcock, 59, appeared for the consideration of the making of a postponement order, under section 27(1) of the Parole Act 2002.
2. Appropriate notice (in accordance with section 27A(3)) of the Act was given to Mr Hitchcock in the Board’s decision from the hearing on 14 December 2015.
3. Mr Hitchcock is serving a life sentence for the murder of a woman by five blows of an axe and a concurrent sentence of preventive detention for sexual offending against the murder victim’s 12 year old daughter.
4. At the hearing on 14 December 2015, the Board heard about the completion of Kia Marama for the second time but his exiting from the graduates group for what was said to be aggressive and hostile behaviour. The Board expressed concern about a lack of progress in demonstrating that he could apply the learning from Kia Marama or the extensive individual psychological counselling he has received.
5. At the outset of this hearing, we discussed with Mr Hitchcock the question of legal advice.
6. We had been advised in a memo of 25 January 2016, that he had made efforts through [Withheld] Trust to have representation at the hearing but it had not proved possible probably because of the time of the year.
7. There was, however, support by [Withheld] of the trust and Mr Hitchcock made it clear to us that he was happy for this hearing to proceed.
8. In a specific addendum report for this hearing Mr Hitchcock was quoted as saying that a five year postponement order would see him lose hope. Today, however, he acknowledges that he does need to go through a period of demonstration as referred to by the last Board. He would like to be given the necessary reintegrative opportunity for that to occur and this Board certainly supports that, including self care presumably in [Withheld] for which we note he is waitlisted.
9. Mr Hitchcock told us that he was amenable to resuming [Withheld] counselling. He was hoping to have a further opportunity at [Withheld] though he is hesitant over the physical requirements at that organisation, given various health problems.
10. Mr Hitchcock is fully aware that he has work to do which will take some time. We are going to make a postponement order. It will not be for five years but a three year order is reasonable. Mr Hitchcock needs to be aware that under section 27(6) of the Act, he is able to apply to the Board for an earlier consideration of parole on the grounds that there has been a significant change in his circumstances. He and his case manager need to keep an eye on that provision.
11. Mr Hitchcock will be scheduled to be seen by the Board in December 2018 and, in any event, by no later than the end of that month.
Alan Ritchie
Panel Convenor