Eddie Albert MCELROY - 24/10/2017
Parole Hearing
Under section 21(2) of the Parole Act 2002
Eddie Albert McELROY
Hearing: 24 October 2017
at [withheld] via AVL from The New Zealand Parole Board, Head Office, Wellington
Members of the Board:
- Hon J W Gendall QC (Panel Convenor)
- Ms W Taumaunu
- Mr P Elenio
- Dr J Skipworth
In attendance: [withheld] – Corrections Psychologist
- Eddie McElroy is serving a sentence imposed on the 5th of March 1993 for crimes of murder, manslaughter, arson and violation by unlawful sexual connection (rape) of a woman. She became his murder victim and her infant child the victim of the manslaughter/arson.
- These were wicked crimes for which the sentencing Judge originally had in mind cumulative sentences but came to the realisation that that was not possible after a life sentence of murder.
- His parole eligibility date was the 19th of June 2002. He was seen by the board on the 10th of November 2016 which noted that he needed to engage in reintegration activity and to progress slowly towards eventual reintegration into the community.
- Mr McElroy has a RoC*RoI of .64759 and has had four guided releases over the past several months. He has had eight weeks on release to work and is making excellent progress. His employers, [withheld], are very happy with his progress.
- The prison authorities have approved in principle, more guided releases we support these. He has the support in [withheld] of [withheld] who have suitable accommodation available to him, it having previously been approved.
- The psychologist reports that he is minimum security having graduated from the Adult Sex Offender Treatment Programme on the 10th of December 2015. He has displayed improved behaviour since then.
- He has further planned guided release activities and there exists the possibility of a whānau hui involving his [withheld] supporters, psychologist and family members from [withheld] and [withheld].
- He is described as medium/high risk of sexual offending and a moderate risk of violent re‑offending. Whilst he has made some considerable gains, there still remains the need for him to prove these gains in wider settings than in prison. After 24 years in prison he needs gradual, careful reintegration with more guided releases, Release to Work and the development of whānau and other support.
- For the moment he does not meet the statutory criteria for release on parole and it is declined, but we intend to see him in seven months’ time, that is in the month of May namely in the week commencing 14 May 2018.
Hon J W Gendall QC |