Peter Wayne RYDER - 07/03/2017
Parole hearing
Under section 21(2) of the Parole Act 2002
Peter Wayne RYDER
Hearing:7 March 2017 at (withheld) Prison
Members of the Board:
- Hon. MA Frater (Panel Convenor)
- Ms M More
- Dr J Skipworth
- Ms P Rose
- [Withheld]
In attendance:
- [Withheld]
Support Persons:
- [withheld]
1. 58 year old Peter Wayne Ryder is serving a life sentence of imprisonment imposed in 1994 for the murder of his 10 year old step-son. That was over 16 years ago.
2. Since then Mr Ryder has been released and recalled twice.
3. He was first released on 23 May 2005 to [withheld], but returned to prison pursuant to an interim recall order made on 30 November that year – six months later.
4. Following his second release, on 11 March 2013, Mr Ryder remained in the community for only four months. The second interim recall order was made on 12 July 2013, followed by final order on 17 September that year.
5. Subsequently Mr Ryder was convicted of threatening to kill and assault with intent to injure. The victim was [Withheld]. He was sentenced to one year and 10 months imprisonment which resulted in his parole eligibility date being extended to 8 March 2015.
6. Mr Ryder has used his time back in custody profitably.
7. Having completed the MIRP programme in 2009 and the DTU programme in 2010 Mr Ryder has now undertaken and successfully completed the STURP programme, which he graduated from in September 2016.
8. He currently holds a low security classification and is living in [withheld] and working in the prison piggery. He has been in that more independent environment from January this year.
9. Mr Ryder had anticipated seeking release today but, in the event, did not as the proposed accommodation with [withheld] Service from 24 May onwards was withdrawn at the last moment. We were told that that was done at the behest of the Corrections Department, who do not support his release at this stage.
10. There is no question that Mr Ryder has made progress since his recall. Completion of the STURP is a significant achievement for him. He openly acknowledged that he did not want to do it but that, in fact, it was the best thing he could have done. He said that he has learned not to respond to provocation and is aware of the need to communicate. There have been several incidents recently when he has engaged in an aggressive manner with both staff and prisoners, but he says that he is now better able to control his responses and thinks about the consequences of his actions.
11. As well as the [withheld] Mr Ryder has the ongoing support of [withheld] and others from [withheld] He also has an offer of employment from [withheld] of [withheld]. In addition, he is supported by [withheld].
12. Finally, mention needs to be made of [Withheld] who unfortunately arrived at the hearing late, [Withheld].
13. Mr Ryder is assessed as posing a high risk of violent reoffending. The psychologist who wrote the current report for the Board identified 18 out of 20 dynamic items related to his risk. She also noted that he has an above average score on the PCL:SV and a higher than average score on factor 1 of that scale. She advised caution in assessing the way forward. Given his past, she recommended a sustained period of self management and the need for Mr Ryder to demonstrate that he can employ internal control mechanisms to manage his risk of reoffending, rather than continuing to depend upon others.
14. There is no question Mr Ryder is in the reintegrative stage of his sentence. We support him being given every opportunity to engage in the community in a supervised way. Because previously he has shown periods of settled behaviour and made positive gains in addressing his risk factors before release, but failed to use his professional support people and quickly turned to deceitful behaviour, drug use and aggression in the community, his reintegration needs to be taken carefully and slowly this time.
15. Accordingly, parole is declined today. Mr Ryder’s next hearing will be in March 2018 and before the end of that month, at the latest.
Hon. MA Frater
Panel Convenor