Robin Peter ABRAHAM - 15/05/2018
Parole Hearing
Under section 21(2) of the Parole Act 2002
Robin Peter ABRAHAM
Hearing: 15 May 2018
at Rolleston Prison via AVL to NZPB Offices, Wellington
Members of the Board:
- Ms S Pakura – Panel Convenor
- Ms G Hughes
- Mr A Hackney
In Attendance:
- [withheld]
- Robin Peter Abraham, 56, appears for further consideration of parole. Mr Abraham is serving a sentence of 10 years’ imprisonment which was imposed on 16 September 2010 for two crimes of sexual violation by way of rape (being representative charges) when he was aged 48. Mr Abraham’s victim was aged 10.
- His parole eligibility date was 26 September 2013. The sentence expiry date is 26 May 2020.
- The index offence is Mr Abraham’s only recorded conviction. Mr Abraham’s RoC*RoI is 0.10244. He has a prison security classification of minimum.
- Files notes describe Mr Abraham as a quiet and compliant inmate. He had commenced work in the construction yard as a plasterer, he says he is learning new skills. We learned today that Mr Abraham has been promoted to be a team leader.
- There is a psychological report dated 18 March 2018. The report refers to Mr Abraham becoming frustrated and somewhat hostile with the psychologist during the interview. He attempted to deflect questions pertaining to his risk in the community. He has disclosed undetected offending to the psychologist. It is recommended that Mr Abraham remain in the Kia Marama or Totara units to assist him to increase insight into the factors associated with his offence process and plan for his reintegration.
- He is assessed as a moderate/high risk of sexual offending.
- Mr Abraham completed the Short Intervention Child Sex Offender Treatment Programme in 2016. Due to his long-standing pattern of emotional congruence with children, limited insight into his offending and the presence of cognitive distortions, it was recommended that Mr Abraham complete the higher intensity Kia Marama special treatment unit programme. He completed that programme in January 2018. He is currently in the maintenance phase of that treatment.
- During his attendance at the programme Mr Abraham was found to be compliant and completed all the tasks that were set for him. He did however appear to find it difficult receiving critical or constructive feedback. He presented himself in a socially naïve manner, confused or victimised. At other times he became defensive and argumentative. Overall it was found that Mr Abraham’s understanding of his offence processes remained simplistic and he had not been found to have modified many of his offence-supportive cognitive distortions.
- Mr Abraham was adamant that he did not want to harm anyone and would not sexually offend again. Whilst this sentiment appeared genuine, he has made limited progress in the treatment and his lack of personal insight into his sexual motivation and deviance does give cause for concern. Furthermore, his ability to adhere to a clear safety plan is questionable.
- The Board is in receipt of a written submission from Mr Abraham’s counsel, Mr Tennet. Mr Tennet confirms that Mr Abraham does not have a firm proposal for parole at this time. He asks for an adjournment to be considered; either November or December.
- Mr Abraham’s accommodation with [withheld] will not be available until 2019.
- Mr Abraham does not have an approved address. There is not a robust safety or release plan, and given the limited progress that he has made in treatment we are of the view that Mr Abraham continues to present an undue risk to the safety of the community. Clearly, there is further work that requires Mr Abraham’s attention.
- We do however accept that it would be beneficial for Mr Abraham to return to the Board in November 2018. Mr Abraham will have the opportunity to put together further information and strengthen his safety and release plans for the Board to consider. At that time, he will have the benefit of counsel.
- Accordingly, parole is declined. Mr Abraham will be seen in November 2018, at the latest at the end of that month.
Ms S Pakura |