John Harold LA ROCHE - 17/05/2018
Parole Hearing
Under section 21(2) of the Parole Act 2002
John Harold LA ROCHE
Hearing: 17 May 2018
at Whanganui Prison via AVL from New Zealand Parole Board, Head Office Wellington
Members of the Board:
- Judge E Paul (Panel Convenor)
- Dr J Skipworth
- Mr B McMurray
Counsel: Ms D Goodlet
- [withheld]
- [withheld]
- John Harold La Roche, now aged 73, appears for further parole consideration. He is represented at this hearing by his counsel, Ms Goodlet. [withheld] are also present. Today Mr La Roche’s instruction to his counsel was he wanted a release in six months’ time, and that he would secure an address over the next six months. We explained to Mr La Roche that was entirely unrealistic, that presently he has no release proposal for the Board to consider.
- We discussed with Mr La Roche his advice he is now motivated to undertake any treatment or counselling. The Board is not convinced by this advice given information we have that he variously has declined treatment in the past and then taken up the position he insists on treatment being provided to him on an immediate basis.
- In short, Mr La Roche is untreated. He has not completed any offence-focused rehabilitation and accordingly has failed to reduce his risk. On that basis alone he could not be considered for parole today.
- Furthermore, this behaviour of Mr La Roche is a consistent theme over recent years. We put him on notice that unless there are any significant changes to his circumstances, particularly, his completion of appropriate focussed treatment intervention he will be facing a postponement order when he is again before the Board. Given the lack of progress by Mr La Roche we see little point in seeing him in 12 months, he will now be seen by the Board in two years and no later than 17 May 2020.
Judge E Paul |