Kino Hoki MATETE - 18/05/2018

Parole Hearing

Under section 21(2) of the Parole Act 2002

Kino Hoki MATETE

Hearing: 18 May 2018

at Auckland Region Women’s Corrections Facility via AVL from New Zealand Parole Board Head Office, Wellington

Members of the Board:

  • Mr N Trendle (Panel Convenor)
  • Ms S Pakura
  • Mr B McMurray


  • [withheld]
  • [withheld]


  1. Kino Hoki Matete is making a further appearance before the Board on a sentence of preventive detention imposed on 24 February 2006 for serious violent offending. There were three subsequent convictions in 2007, 2008 and 2012 for further violent offending in the prison environment.
  2. Since she last appeared before the Board, Ms Matete completed the Kowhiritanga programme. She appears to have gained some skills from participation in that programme, but has yet to complete the maintenance sessions. Ms Matete explained that on the basis that she could not fit the maintenance into her schedule.
  3. Ms Matete is presently in the employment hub and holds a low security classification. One of her responsibilities, until recently, was to care for the pet rabbits that were held on the site. She has discontinued that work though not through any result of her own actions.  She has also participated in two reintegration hui with her sister and staff. She has kept her sister up to date with her progress.
  4. The parole assessment report prepared for today’s hearing referred to Ms Matete’s history of violence but noted that she is making progress. The comment was made that she continues to need to work on issues with respect to verbal aggression.
  5. Ms Matete’s case manager attended the hearing and advised the Board that in addition to the Kowhiritanga maintenance she is scheduled to participate in a new programme, referred to as Kimihia, which is to be run by a psychologist. Ms Matete told us she is looking forward to that, firstly as it will enhance her skills to deal with anger and secondly, because, as she understands it, she will be assisted to better manage change.  We note the comment made in the psychological assessment that Ms Matete was somewhat distracted in the course of the interview as she had planned to spend some of the time invested with the psychologist elsewhere. We understand Ms Matete’s participation in attending Kimihia will assist her to take a more flexible view of change.
  6. The psychological report concluded that she should be supported through reintegration activities to support her progress on the goals and gains she made with respect to her participation in the Kowhiritanga programme. The Board observes, however, that it is important Ms Matete first completes the rehabilitation activities for which she is scheduled.
  7. Parole today is declined. Ms Matete was not expecting to be released. There is significant work remaining so far as both rehabilitation activities and her reintegration are concerned.
  8. She will be scheduled to return to the Board in 12 months, by 30 May 2019. For that hearing a psychological addendum is requested.

Mr N Trendle
Panel Convenor