Alfred Thomas VINCENT - 17/05/2019
Parole Hearing
Under section 21(2) of the Parole Act 2002
Alfred Thomas VINCENT
Hearing: 17 May 2019
at Rimutaka Prison via AVL to New Zealand Parole Board, Wellington
Members of the Board:
- Judge E Paul – Panel Convenor
- Mr B McMurray
- Ms W Taumaunu
- Assoc Prof. P Brinded
- Ms S Shone
- Ms G Sommers
- Alfred Vincent appears today again for parole consideration. He is an 81 year old man and has the doubtful distinction of being the longest serving prisoner in New Zealand, spending some 51 years in prison on an indeterminate sentence of preventive detention for various sexual offending.
- He is represented at this hearing by Ms Shone. He is clearly suffering from [withheld]. He has other health issues. [withheld] there was no ability for this Board to engage with him directly.
- Ms Shone, under somewhat trying circumstances, addressed the Board, and her tentative submission was that we could possibly consider a release to [withheld]. She had information they were prepared to take him but was concerned that there should be a robust handover before that happened.
- This Board is concerned that really no formal release proposal to [withheld] has been presented. We would expect as a minimum there would be a multidisciplinary meeting including his GP in the prison, [withheld], attending to really set out and determine this man’s needs. Certainly, any proposed hospital care provider would have to attend so they are fully aware of the various features Mr Vincent presents.
- It is very clear from the reports we have that he is continuing to focus on inappropriate sexualised behaviour. That presents risks for not only himself but any other patients of any facility he should be referred to. If one only simply refers to [withheld] memorandum of 20 March, that succinctly sets out the level of care this man needs and the risks he presents.
- Accordingly, we invite Corrections and all the relevant professionals to undertake the necessary meeting, prepare a robust release proposal addressing all the concerns that have been documented over the years and recently, and present that plan to the Board at this man’s next hearing. We see a matter requiring two to three months to execute. Accordingly, we ask that Mr Vincent be seen on [withheld] in person at Rimutaka Prison.
- Obviously, he is not a candidate for parole today. That is declined. At that hearing in August we would expect to see a formalised release proposal to any hospital facility.
Judge E Paul |