Lewis Jarred ROBERTSON 4/10/2019

Parole Hearing

Under section 21(2) of the Parole Act 2002

Lewis Jarred ROBERTSON

Hearing:                                            4 October 2019

at Hawke’s Bay Regional Prison via AVL from New Zealand Parole Board, Wellington

Members of the Board:                    Ms M Coleman – Panel Convenor

Ms F Pimm

Ms G Hughes



  1. Lewis Jarred Robertson, who is 34, appeared before the Board for the first consideration of parole on a two-year three-month sentence for burglary, unlawful possession of a firearm and dishonest use of a credit card.
  2. Mr Robertson’s statutory release date is 15 April 2021.
  3. Mr Robertson has a history of similar offending dating back to 2002. He told the Board today that on his previous sentence he completed a six-month DTP and for that reason he doubts whether there will be any utility in him completing a further drug treatment programme. He said that use of alcohol and drugs were not really an issue in this offending, and he has still retained the learnings from that programme.
  4. Mr Robertson is scheduled first to do the MIRP. That is due to start for him on 29 October and he accepts that that will be a good programme for him as he needs to address his criminal thinking. He is continuing to discuss the issue of whether the DTP remains on his sentence plan with his case manager.
  5. Whether Mr Robertson needs to do a DTP or not we leave to the outcome of those discussions. In any event, even if a DTP is not required Mr Robertson can very usefully be consolidating his learnings from the MIRP through a period of reintegration following completion of that course.
  6. Mr Robertson will be seen again in July 2020 and by the end of July 2020 at the latest.

    He is aware that he needs to present with a strong release proposal if he is seeking release on parole. His [withheld] but he does not see that as being a good city for him to return to and is looking at other accommodation options.

  7. [withheld]
  8. The report from the PCO today was a positive one. Mr Robertson is going very well in the unit and is working hard in the joinery workshop.
  9. Despite that good report, without having completed the MIRP and without a release proposal the Board is not satisfied that he meets the test for parole. Parole today is declined.

Ms M Coleman

Panel Convenor