Hori Irimana Tenaki Winiata Kemp GEMMELL 16/20/2020

Parole Hearing

Under section 21(1) of the Parole Act 2002

Hori Irimana Tenaki Winiata Kemp GEMMELL

Hearing: 16 October 2020

at Otago Corrections Facility

by AVL from New Zealand Parole Board, Wellington

Amended Decision dated: 29 October 2020

Members of the Board: Ms M Coleman (Panel Convenor), Mr S A M Perry. Mr C Roberts

Counsel:                                           Ms M Scally

In Attendance:                                  (withheld) - Case Manager

Support Persons: (withheld)


  1. Hori Irimana Tenaki Winiata Kemp Gemmell, who is 25, appeared before the Board today for the first consideration of parole on a four-year sentence.  Mr Gemmell’s statutory release date is 15 December 2022.
  2. Mr Gemmell has a lengthy criminal history.  He has offended every year since he was 17 years of age.  He has received 25 sentences of imprisonment and has a history of non-compliance.
  3. So far on this sentence there has been a number of misconducts and incidents which has seen his security classification at high.  Recently, there has been a change in attitude by Mr Gemmell.  He has realised that he needs to buck up his ideas and behave so that he can undertake rehabilitation and get out back into the community and be a father to his two children.
  4. Mr Gemmell accepted that as things stand he is not in a position to be paroled today.  He is committed and motivated to undertake the MIRP and then the DTP.  If he manages to continue his current good behaviour, the expectation is that he will start the MIRP in March next year and that will be followed by the DTP which is of six months’ duration.
  5. The Board agrees that both programmes are needed.  It is time Mr Gemmell broke the cycle of offending and is able to lead an offence-free life.  He, like others, needs help in doing this and the rehabilitation will assist.  He has support from his (withheld) who currently have custody of his two children.  He sees his children on a fortnightly basis.  However, Oranga Tamariki have expressed concerns about him residing there and the address has not been approved.
  6. Parole today is declined.  Mr Gemmell be seen again in November 2021 and by the end of November 2021 at the latest.

Ms M Coleman

Panel Convenor