Ivan James WILSON 16/11/2020

Parole Hearing

Under section 21(2) of the Parole Act 2002

Ivan James WILSON

Hearing: 16 November 2020

at Tongariro Prison via AVL to Hawke’s Bay Regional Prison

Members of the Board: Ms M More (Panel Convenor)

Associate Professor P Brinded

Dr G Coyle

Major C Roberts

Counsel:                                           Mr S Fraser

In Attendance:                                  (withheld) (Case Manager)


  1. Ivan James Wilson is serving a sentence of preventative detention for a number of sexual offences against young men and boys aged 12 to 16.
  2. Mr Wilson has a RoC*RoI of .73045, his parole eligibility date was 7 January 2014, his security classification is low.
  3. Mr Wilson was represented by counsel Mr Fraser who helpfully filed written submissions in advance and included a submission from Mr Wilson.  Mr Fraser spoke to his submissions, he submitted that the Board should see Mr Wilson again in a short period of time.
  4. Mr Wilson presents as a complex man, he has made a number of complaints to the Department of Corrections, and the psychologist noted that his history of making complaints damages the working relationship he has with Corrections staff.
  5. Mr Fraser said that the Board could see the complaints as a "non-issue".  Mr Fraser said Mr Wilson is now happy with his PCO and case manager, that he has read the psychologist's assessment dated 7 October 2020, and he has come around to the idea of transition and reintegration.
  6. Mr Wilson told us that he had a difficult time and that for three to five years he lived in fear of Corrections.  He said the complaints he had made were not frivolous or vexatious and that he had suffered breaches of his human rights.
  7. Mr Wilson told us that he has turned his thinking around, he said that he undertook a change of heart 10 weeks ago and he is now open to a graduated path of reintegration.  When we discussed timing with them he said that would depend on what is involved; he said 12 years in prison with people dying and wanting to see family mattered.  However, he did say that shifting thinking takes a while.
  8. Mr Wilson told us that he had a number of complaints about his time in Rolleston Prison and he had become introverted and antisocial but on Te Piriti he had learned about cognitive behavioural therapy.  He said since he has been in Tongariro Prison he has been able to work on his negative thoughts and behaviours.
  9. We were helpfully assisted by the presence of Mr Wilson's case manager, (withheld) who advised the Board that a number of proposals have been identified for Mr Wilson.  However, any reintegration is dependent upon a successful reclassification to minimum.  Mr Wilson's case manager said he is going to be reclassified shortly, maybe this week.
  10. (withheld) said that it would be good for Mr Wilson to have a number of experiences outside the wire and go into the community.  Mr Wilson said he thinks so too, he said if he is out in the community without a reintegration period he may have issues, he said he needs interact with society.  He reminded the Board that he has been around prisoners for 12 years.
  11. The Board complements Mr Wilson on his insight into his situation, the fact that he noted shifting thinking takes a while, and his willingness to engage in reintegration.
  12. The Board sees merit in that proposal and notes that it is one of three possible alternatives offered by the psychologist, without that reintegration his risk is undue and parole is declined.
  13. The Board would like to see Mr Wilson again in nine months, that is August 2021.  In that period we encourage Mr Wilson to get his classification down to minimum and get all the experience outside the wire that he can.  (withheld) said that release to work may be available and the Board strongly supports Mr Wilson undertaking release to work or something similar so that he has the ability to have his shift in thinking tested.

Ms M More

Panel Convenor