Cyenna Diane Allimain GRACE-NGARO 5/1/2021

Parole Hearing

Under section 21(2) of the Parole Act 2002

Cyenna Diane Allimain GRACE-NGARO

Hearing: 5 January 2021

at Arohata Prison

Members of the Board: Ms M More (Panel Convenor)

Ms W Taumanunu

Ms K Coutts

In attendance: (withheld) – Case Manager



  1. Cyenna Diane Alli Grace-Ngaro is 22, she makes her fourth appearance before the Parole Board on a sentence of three years six months for aggravated robbery with a firearm, burglary with a weapon, theft, shoplifting, other burglaries and common assault.  There were a number of offenders involved, Ms Grace-Ngaro was involved with robbing premises with weapons including a butcher’s knife and a gun.
  2. Ms Grace-Ngaro’s offending history commenced when she was 17 and includes burglaries, assault and unlawfully taking motor vehicles.
  3. Ms Grace-Ngaro has a RoC*RoI of .4693, her parole eligibility date was 17 September 2019, her statutory release date is 15 January 2022.  She has one year remaining on her sentence and her classification is low.
  4. Ms Grace-Ngaro was last before the Board on 2 April 2020, the Board had the benefit of a psychological assessment that said Ms Grace-Ngaro was not well enough to participate in the assessment at that time.  The psychologist said it is likely she (withheld) but no confirmed diagnosis, and (withheld).
  5. The Board stood Ms Grace-Ngaro down for (withheld) and for an updated assessment as to her risk.
  6. Ms Grace-Ngaro’s behaviour is mostly good, the file notes are positive, and she is in mainstream.  She is (withheld) for (withheld) and is stable and consistent.
  7. Ms Grace-Ngaro struggled with the Dependency Treatment Programme (“DTP”) and has since recommenced.  She is currently on the programme and the PCO said that she now understands that she needs to complete the DTP and stay (withheld).  The PCO said she has improved.
  8. Ms Grace-Ngaro was supported at the Board by her (withheld).  (withheld) filed written submissions on her (withheld) behalf outlining her history of substance abuse and offering her support.
  9. Ms Grace-Ngaro’s release proposal is predicated upon going to (withheld) in (withheld).  She would then like to return to (withheld) and the support of her (withheld).
  10. Ms Grace-Ngaro’s case manager (withheld) was at the Board who said that she is considering either Kimihia Programme or entering a Kowhiritanga.  Ms Grace-Ngaro would prefer to do the Kowhiritanga because it is shorter and does not require a transfer to Auckland.  The case manager thinks that Kimihia would be a more suitable programme.
  11. Without the recommended treatment, Ms Grace-Ngaro’s risk remains undue, parole is declined.  It is up to Ms Grace-Ngaro and her case manager to plan the way forward.  Ms Grace-Ngaro accepts that she does need some kind of further treatment.
  12. The Board will see Ms Grace-Ngaro again in six months, that is July 2021.  We make no promises, it may be that she did choose to do the Kowhiritanga Programme and may have a release proposal, or at that time she may be in the Kimihia Programme in which case we advised her that she would need to complete any rehabilitation she is undertaking.
  13. The Board would be grateful if Ms Grace-Ngaro has developed a safety plan and a robust release proposal if she could make that available before the next hearing.

Ms M More

Panel Convenor