Gustav Otto SANFT 10/9/2021

Parole Hearing

Under section 21(2) of the Parole Act 2002

Gustav Otto SANFT

Hearing: 10 September 2021

at Northland Region Corrections Facility via Teams

Members of the Board: Mr N Trendle – Panel Convenor

Mr L Tawera

In Attendance: (withheld)


  1. This decision has been issued following consideration of parole in accordance with the provisions of an epidemic management notice issued by the Government on 30 March 2020 and in accordance with section 13A of the Parole Act 2002.  There has been a hearing conducted by a Panel Convenor and a Board member.  All of the usual material has been considered and there has been a discussion involving the Board, the offender, his case manager and the Principal Corrections Officer
  2. Gustav Otto Sanft has seven months remaining on a sentence totalling four years 10 month’s imprisonment for manslaughter, unlawful possession of a pistol and possession of cannabis for supply.  His statuary release date is 30 April 2022.
  3. Mr Sanft’s recalculated ROC*ROI is .48728 reflecting 29 convictions accumulated since 2007.  This is his first term of imprisonment and arose from tragic circumstances where the victim of his offending was his two year old daughter.  The file refers to proceedings before the (withheld) but these appear to have been largely resolved.
  4. Mr Sanft completed his rehabilitation programmes two years ago and has been on a reintegration pathway.  That pathway was interrupted recently when a search of his external self-care unit yielded three secreted telephones and other contraband.  Together with the other occupants he was regressed from the self-care unit and returned to Kakaakaa Unit.  We understand that the multidisciplinary team and the internal panel will be considering whether he should return to the self-care environment over in the next week or two.
  5. Reference is made in the parole assessment report to Mr Sanft’s Release to Work opportunities.  Unfortunately, neither of those options materialised before his regression from the self-care unit.  At present Mr Sanft has no release proposal to put before the Board.  His Case Manager (withheld) indicated that a request to (withheld) in (withheld) for supported accommodation would be pursued.  We note Mr Sanft’s partner is proposing to move northwards early next year.  There seems to be no impediment for their contact to resume.
  6. In the absence of a release address and with potential misconduct proceedings outstanding, the Board could not consider Mr Sanft for release on parole today.  It is declined.  Having regard to the progress he was making up until very recently we will however provide him with the opportunity to return to the Board in three months by 20 December 2021.  We invite his Case Manager to work with Mr Sanft in the interim to further develop his release plan.

N Trendle

Panel Convenor