Joseph Stephenson THOMPSON 26/2/2021

Parole Hearing

Under section 21(2) of the Parole Act 2002

Joseph Stephenson THOMPSON

Hearing: 26 February 2021

at Rimutaka Prison via AVL from New Zealand Parole Board, Wellington

Members of the Board: Sir Ron Young – Chairperson

Assoc. Prof. P Brinded

Dr G Coyle

Mr S Perry

In attendance:                                  Ms E Binning - Media


  1. Mr Thompson was sentenced to preventive detention in 2000 for over 100 charges of sexual violence to a variety of people including young people and adults.  He was sentenced to preventive detention with a minimum period of imprisonment before consideration of parole of 25 years.  Prior to that he had five pages of violent and property offending and drugs,
  2. When we saw him in June 2020, we noted that he had had some psychological work with a psychologist by way of an interview for a report, but we considered a full risk assessment report was required.  At that stage the possibility of him attending the child sex offender treatment programme was mentioned.
  3. Mr Thompson has a long history himself for (withheld).  The offending involved a very worrying series of highly planned sexual assaults with at times extreme and certainly extensive physical violence to the victims.
  4. As to his conduct in prison it has been mostly good, and he is seen as a reliable worker in the kitchen.  He is, as he was at the time of the offending, attached to the (withheld) and undertakes weekly study.
  5. Currently, Mr Thompson is untreated.  He is recommended to undertake as a first step the child sex offender treatment programme.  After the completion of that programme the psychologist noted that maybe a repeat participation in that programme would be required as well as the possibility of attendance at the adult sex offender treatment programme or individual psychological treatment. We would add that consideration no doubt will need to be given to him undertaking the special treatment unit violence programme and possibly the drug treatment programme.
  6. Currently, Mr Thompson is tentatively identified for the mid‑2020 child sex offender treatment programme.  However, he has (withheld).  It is thought that he is better to have that medical treatment before beginning the rehabilitation programmes.
  7. Today, Mr Thompson mentioned that he may not be able to express himself in a group setting (the CSOTP).  He said he was anxious that prisoners might later talk about his contributions in a group setting and so he was therefore concerned about undertaking the programme.  We spent some time explaining to him what the group programme would involve, the significance of it in terms of value to his assessed risk and the limitations of individual treatment even if he would be able to obtain individual treatment.  We therefore encourage him to undertake the child sex offender treatment programme as a first rehabilitative first step.  We record that Mr Thompson said he is motivated to undertake rehabilitative programmes.  He said he has undertaken some self-control work by giving up cigarettes and alcohol as examples.
  8. Mr Thompson has some continuing contact with (withheld).  He has had (withheld) for two periods with none currently planned.  It may be that his attendance at the child sex offender treatment programme will bring up some of his (withheld) and he may need to return for further (withheld).
  9. We are satisfied that Mr Thompson is an undue risk and cannot be released.  He did not seek parole today. We will see him again at the maximum period of two years by the end of January 2023.  We told Mr Thompson of the possibility of postponing his next attendance after the 2023 hearing.  We propose to give him notice of postponement so that question can be discussed at the 2023 hearing depending upon his then circumstances.

Sir Ron Young
