Stacey RERITI 14/7/2022

Parole Hearing

Under section 21(2) of the Parole Act 2002


Hearing: 14 July 2022

at Auckland Region Women’s Corrections Facility by MS Teams

Members of the Board:

Ms M More – Panel Convenor

Mr P Elenio

Major C Roberts

In Attendance: [withheld] - Case Manager

Support Persons: [withheld]


  1. Stacey Reriti is 37.  She makes her sixth appearance before the Board on a sentence of nine years nine months for sexual offending with a boy aged 12 to 16.  The victim was a student where Ms Reriti was at a school where she was Deputy Principal.  The offending took place between 2012 and 2014.  There was frequent offending, and it took place largely in a car and once in a motel.
  2. At sentencing, the victim identified that because she was his teacher, she should have known better and school should have been a safe place.  The judge said there is no justification for her actions.  Ms Reriti has no offending history.
  3. Ms Reriti has a RoC*RoI of 0.06609 and an ASRS of 1.  Her statutory release date is 21 April 2026.  She has three years and nine months remaining on her sentence.
  4. Ms Reriti has a classification of minimum.  Her behaviour is positive and she is noted to be respectful and compliant with no issues.  She is working hard and is a strong leader in the Māori Focus Unit.
  5. Ms Reriti has completed 20 individual treatment sessions with a psychologist, the Alcohol and Other Drug Brief programme, and some education including Maori Woman's Leadership.
  6. The last Board asked that she engage with [withheld], that she complete guided releases and develop a relationship with the staff.
  7. Today Ms Reriti asks for a two month standdown.  She said she is engaging with Anglican Action as much as COVID-19 has allowed, and she wants time to build that relationship.  She also wants to continue with her trauma counselling.  [withheld] said that a bed would be available in September.
  8. The Board sees merit in Ms Reriti’s proposal.  She does not feel that she is ready for release and as such her risk is undue and parole is declined.
  9. We will see her again in two months, September 2022.  Ms Reriti understands that any consideration for parole will be made by that Board on the day.

Ms M More

Panel Convenor