Stacey RERITI 14/9/2022

Parole Hearing

Under section 21(2) of the Parole Act 2002


Hearing: 14 September 2022

at Auckland Region Women’s Corrections Facility by MS Teams

Members of the Board:

Ms K Snook – Panel Convenor

Ms M Kleist

Ms W Taumaunu

Counsel:                                           Ms L Smith

In Attendance:                               [withheld] - Case Manager


  1. Stacey Reriti, 37, appeared for the further consideration of parole in relation to a sentence of nine years nine months’ imprisonment for sexual offending with a boy aged 12 to 16.  Ms Reriti is on a minimum prison security classification and has a statutory release date of 21 April 2026.
  2. At the last hearing on 14 July 2022 Ms Reriti did not seek parole.  She has completed 20 one-to-one sessions with a psychologist.  She is assessed as at low risk of sexual reoffending.  The hope was that Ms Reriti would be able to participate in reintegration including guided releases and possibly release to work.
  3. Ms Smith appeared today for Ms Reriti.  She said that Ms Reriti was still not seeking parole.  She said that Ms Reriti’s progress has been delayed by the impact of COVID‑19.  She does not want to be released because she has just begun [withheld] which she is finding particularly helpful and wants to participate in reintegration including release to work.  She wants to be fully prepared for what life will look like on release.
  4. A six month standdown was sought by Ms Smith.  We had a letter from Ms Reriti’s mother which reflects the views of her whānau that a six month standdown would be appropriate in light of the [withheld] and the reintegration which has not yet occurred.  The whānau want Ms Reriti to be released with all the tools and strategies available to her to ensure that she remains offence-free for the rest of her life.
  5. Ms Reriti has been engaging well with the [withheld].  She said that the counsellor said that they may be able to complete that work within six weeks or so.  She continues working with the ACC counsellor and hopes to continue that in the community.  She has been working with [withheld] and does have an approved address with them.
  6. Ms Reriti said that she wants to participate in guided releases.  She had one guided release prior to COVID but wants more including to visit the [withheld] accommodation.  Ms Reriti said that she also thinks it is important for to participate in release to work.  She wants a job available to her on release or at least a pathway to that job.  She referred to possible work as a translator because she is proficient in Te Reo.
  7. Ms Reriti also plans to revisit her safety plan over the next six months.  She will do that in conjunction with the work she is doing with the [withheld] to address issues such as stress arising from media issues.  She also wants to exit prison in the safest possible way for her young son and may also reflect this in her updated safety plan.
  8. The PCO and the Case Manager spoke very positively about Ms Reriti.  It is hoped that reintegration activities including guided releases and release to work will begin again at the prison before the end of this year.  Ms Reriti received an excellent report about her work particularly her role in the prison particularly in the Mirimiri Te Aroha Unit.
  9. We accept the submission made by counsel.  Ms Reriti needs to complete the further reintegration that has been recommended by the psychologist to assist in her safe transition back into the community.  She also needs to revisit her safety plan.  Once she has done that there should be a further whānau hui where she presents that updated safety plan to all of her supporters.
  10. In the meantime, risk remains undue and parole is declined.  We will schedule Ms Reriti to be seen again by a Board in March 2023 and no later than the end of that month.  We ask Ms Reriti to provide the next Board with a copy of her updated safety plan and we should also be provided with the minutes of the whānau hui.

Ms K Snook

Panel Convenor