Curtis Marc James EVERETT 18/09/2024

There is an order prohibiting publication of the name, address and occupation or identifying particulars of the offender and/or victim.

Parole Hearing

Under section 21(1) of the Parole Act 2002

Curtis Marc James EVERETT

Hearing: 18 September 2024

Auckland Prison

Members of the Board:

Mr N Trendle – Panel Convenor

Dr S Davis

Ms F Pimm

Counsel: Ms Meg Scally

In Attendance: [withheld] - Case Manager


  1. Curtis Marc James Everett is making his first appearance before the Board on a sentence of five years eight months’ imprisonment for serious sexual offending against two adult women.  He became eligible for parole on 1 September 2024 and he has a statutory release date of 12 June 2026.
  2. Mr Everett has a short offending history with two previous convictions for driving-related offending, although one of them involved an excess breath alcohol level.
  3. In April this year Mr Everett completed the Drug Treatment Programme and the parole assessment report records that he is waitlisted to participate in the Medium Intensity Rehabilitation Programme for Adult Sex Offending.  His case manager had no updating information with respect to a start date for that programme, or a potential transfer, with the most likely scenario being a commencement date in the first half of next year.
  4. The parole assessment report makes references to Mr Everett that raise questions as to his insight into his offending.  [withheld].
  5. Mr Everett holds a minimum security classification.  His PCO reported no difficulties with his conduct or compliance or indeed his mixing with other prisoners.  Mr Everett’s victims are not recorded on the Victim Notification Register.  [withheld].
  6. Having regard to the offending that brought him to prison on this occasion it is important in the Board’s view that Mr Everett completes an appropriate intervention to deal with his sexual offending.  Until that work is completed we could not be satisfied as to his suitability for release on parole.
  7. Accordingly, parole is declined.  He will be scheduled to return to the Board in 15 months, by 20 December 2025.  Should he complete the programme significantly earlier than that date and have a solid release proposal to put forward he may apply pursuant to section 26 of the Parole Act for an earlier hearing.
  8. When Mr Everett returns after having completed the Medium Intensity Programme the Board requests a psychological assessment of the progress he made in treatment and any outstanding considerations that may require attention [withheld].

Mr N Trendle

Panel Convenor