Isaac Turetanae ROBERTS 07/05/2024

Parole Hearing

Under section 21(1) of the Parole Act 2002

Isaac Turetanae ROBERTS

Hearing: 7 May 2024

at Otago Corrections Facility

Members of the Board:

Mr N Trendle – Panel Convenor

Ms C Tiumalu

Mr L Tawera

In Attendance: [withheld] – Case Manager


  1. Isaac Turetanae Roberts is making his first appearance before the Board on a sentence of five years, 11 months’ imprisonment for unlawful sexual connection, strangulation and breach of release conditions.  He becomes eligible for parole on 17 May 2024, and he has a statutory release date of 27 April 2028.
  2. Mr Roberts has an offending history extending back to 2002.  He has accumulated 38 convictions in that time, leading to a RoC*RoI of 0.46328.  There are a number of convictions for violence towards women or in an intimate partner setting.  He has also a number of convictions for breaching court orders or community-based sentences.
  3. The parole assessment report refers to the need for a psychological assessment to determine his rehabilitation pathway.  We are told that the waitlist for that internal assessment is up to 12 months.
  4. Mr Roberts declared himself motivated to complete whatever work he is required to do, so that he can return to the community.  He is looking forward to participating in Te Hōkai Mānea Tipuna in the unit shortly.  Although Mr Roberts’ first few months in prison resulted in a number of misconducts, he is now settled and recently moved into a lower security unit.
  5. Having regard to the seriousness of his offending, the Board is unclear as to the appropriate treatment pathway.  Accordingly, we seek a psychological assessment to assist in determining the way forward. Without treatment, Mr Roberts’ risk will remain undue, and parole is declined.
  6. Accordingly, the Board requests a psychological assessment as to Mr Roberts’ risk and a recommendation as to the appropriate treatment pathway.  He will be seen again in four months, by 30 September 2024.

Mr N Trendle

Panel Convenor