Pearce Patrick BUCKLEY 19/07/2024

Parole Hearing

Under section 21(2) of the Parole Act 2002

Pearce Patrick BUCKLEY

Hearing: 19 July 2024

at Rolleston Prison via MS Teams

Members of the Board:

Judge S O’Driscoll – Panel Convenor

Mr C King

Ms A Spieling

Counsel: Mr Brendan Stephenson

In Attendance: [withheld] - Case Manager

Support Persons:  [withheld]


  1. Mr Buckley was sentenced to two years, eight months’ imprisonment on charges of possession of objectionable material.  There was in the vicinity of 11,000 images relating to child pornography.
  2. The parole eligibility date is 14 August 2023, with a statutory release date of 22 May 2025.
  3. Mr Buckley was seen before the Parole Board on 19 March 2024, but the Judge’s sentencing notes were not available.  This Board, as with the previous Board, noted that while Mr Buckleywas found guilty by a jury, he continued to deny the offending.
  4. The issue, as the Board has seen it today, is whether or not there is a suitable address for him to be paroled to.
  5. Mr Buckley has prepared a safety plan.
  6. There has been a psychological report prepared, and the real issue is the appropriate address that he would be paroled to.
  7. [withheld].
  8. [withheld].
  9. [withheld].
  10. There has also been a further address put forward in [withheld], however, the addendum indicates that that address is not suitable due to the proximity of a school.
  11. The Board was informed that there may be another address in [withheld], but that has not been assessed by Corrections.
  12. This Board thinks that in all other respects, Mr Buckley could be released with appropriate conditions on parole, but the stumbling point in this case at this stage is the lack of a suitable address.
  13. [withheld].
  14. Parole is declined on the basis that he is at an undue risk of re-offending and there is not a suitable address, and the Board will see him again in September when hopefully a suitable address will be before that new Board.

Judge S O’Driscoll

Panel Convenor