Raymond John BELSEY 07/11/2024
There is an order prohibiting publication of the name, address and occupation or identifying particulars of the offender and/or victim
Parole Hearing
Under section 21(2) of the Parole Act 2002
Raymond John BELSEY
Hearing: 7 November 2024
at Otago Corrections Facility
Members of the Board:
Ms M More - Panel Convenor
Dr G Coyle
Ms M Dodd
In Attendance: [withheld] - Case Manager
Support Persons: [withheld]
- Raymond John Belsey is 29. He appears on a cumulative sentence of five years 11 months for aggravated robbery, unlawful sexual connection with a male over 16, shoplifting and wilful damage. Mr Belsey was serving a sentence for aggravated robbery and shoplifting [withheld].
- Mr Belsey’s offending history is extensive and includes multiple convictions for violence, male assaults female, attempted robbery, threatening to kill and aggravated robbery.
- Mr Belsey’s RoC*Rol is .80257 and his ASRS is four. He has nine months remaining on his sentence, he is on the victim notification register and his classification is high.
- We last saw him on 8 November 2023 when he denied the sexual offending [withheld].
- Mr Belsey told the Board he believed he was wrongly imprisoned. The Board had the assistance of a psychological report that said he was at very high risk of general offending and high risk of violent offending. We note that assessment predated the sexual offending.
- Mr Belsey is currently on high security, following a number of incidents. His PCO today said that he is scheduled for a classification review in December but because of mixed file notes, he is unsure as to whether or not it will be lowered. In August, Mr Belsey was put on a management plan for damaging prison property. His PCO said he has no desire to move forward, [withheld].
- The Parole Assessment Report said that Mr Belsey has insufficient time for the recommended Special Treatment Unit Programme, and he failed to engage with the psychologist for his assessment for appropriate rehabilitation. Mr Belsey said that he saw the psychologist once but declined the second interview because he was too busy in the wing and in the gym.
- Mr Belsey said he is close to his release. He is happy to wait in high security until his statutory release date. He did however say that if the psychologist returned, he would engage with him.
- Mr Belsey has no accommodation, he has been accepted by [withheld] and referred to [withheld]. This is transitional accommodation for men with complex needs.
- Without any rehabilitation and release proposal, Mr Belsey’s risk is undue, parole is declined. We acknowledge submissions from his support people that they ask us to take into consideration [withheld]. The Board needs to balance those submissions against Mr Belsey’s risk if he is released into the community.
- We will see Mr Belsey again in six months, we hope he will have been able to undertake some rehabilitation in that time, he will be seen again in May 2025.
Ms M More
Panel Convenor