Richard Joseph WEKKING 10/09/2024

There is an order prohibiting publication of the name, address and occupation or identifying particulars of the victim.

Parole Hearing

Under section 21(1) of the Parole Act 2002

Richard Joseph WEKKING

Hearing: 10 September 2024

at Rolleston Prison - Unattended

Members of the Board:

Ms S Bailey – Panel Convenor

Ms M More

Ms M Coleman


  1. Richard Wekking is due to appear before the Board for first consideration of parole.  Mr Wekking is serving a sentence of 11 years imprisonment after multiple convictions were entered for sexual offending.  The convictions include indecent assaults (x24), unlawful sexual connection (x3), rape (x5) and indecent acts (x3). The offending occurred with three female victims all under the age of 12 years old. Two of the victims were his stepdaughters and the other victim was the daughter of a family friend.
  2. Mr Wekking was found guilty after trial and has continued to maintain his denial. He committed a number of sexual offences which were varied and highly intrusive.  The Judge at paragraph 18 of the sentencing notes described the offending as “Depraved, degrading, disgusting and vile.”  The Judge at the time noted that Mr Wekking maintained his denial.
  3. Mr Wekking has waived his appearance, [withheld]. Therefore, this decision is based on the papers.
  4. Mr Wekking has a Roc:Roi of .01864, an ASAR of minus 3 and a statutory release date of 18th January 2032, more than 7 years away.
  5. On Mr Wekking’s sentence plan is the STU:MIP. He will also potentially have the opportunity to undertake an Alcohol and Drug Programme.
  6. [withheld]
  7. Presently it appears Mr Wekking is not willing to engage with his programmes, however, it will be appropriate that he undertakes some treatment and/or safety planning from a denier’s perspective if he continues with his denial.
  8. The PAR notes that he did not engage with the Case Manager and has indicated he will go to the end of his sentence.  Otherwise the PAR is a reasonably good one and no issues have arisen within the unit. He presently has no approved release proposal to present to a Board.
  9. The Board consider it appropriate that Mr Wekking appears again in two years’ time, which will be during August 2026. The Board encourage Mr Wekking during this time to reconsider his stance and to engage with the prison services even if that is from a denier’s perspective. If his views change about the offending it is hoped he will be assessed for an appropriate programme.
  10. Parole today is formally declined as Mr Wekking remains an undue risk with having received no treatment, no safety planning and no release proposal to present to the Board.

Ms S Bailey

Panel Convenor