Tippie KING-HAZEL 10/07/2024

Parole Hearing

Under section 21(2) of the Parole Act 2002


Hearing: 10 July 2024

at Rimutaka Prison via MS Teams

Members of the Board:

Mr N Trendle

Prof P Brinded

Mr L Tawera

Counsel: Ms M Lander

In Attendance: 

[withheld] – Case Manager

[withheld] – Communications Assistant

Support Persons: [withheld]


  1. Tippie King-Hazel was sentenced on 12 February 1998 to life imprisonment for murder.  He [withheld] holds a minimum security classification.
  2. His PCO told us that whilst Mr King-Hazel does not always comply with the rules, he is manageable.  He is generally good, but occasionally can become abusive and he needs to have time out, in which case he calms down quickly.  Mr King-Hazel is somewhat remorseful for those occasional outbursts.  He is appreciative of the support he gets from the [withheld].
  3. Since he was last before the Board, Mr King-Hazel has been the subject of a further psychological assessment, and the report from [withheld] recommends that the pathway for Mr King-Hazel’s release from prison is [withheld].  He supported that recommendation for reassessment [withheld].
  4. The parole assessment report refers to an alternative pathway [withheld].  [withheld].  The referral to [withheld] will provide an indication of what additional assistance may be available for Mr King-Hazel’s ongoing support.
  5. Ms Lander appeared as counsel and referred to the two approaches for Mr King-Hazel’s support upon his release from prison.  She submitted that both should be followed through.
  6. [withheld], told us that she would initiate the process so far as [withheld] recommendation is concerned.  The referral to [withheld] will also proceed.
  7. Mr King-Hazel is in the best place at the moment, receiving the support within the framework provided by the [withheld].  There is a plan for his return to the community and the Board supports the proposals before us today.  Until there is a clear pathway for Mr King-Hazel’s return to the community, he will remain an undue risk and the Board will be unable to consider him for parole.
  8. We will schedule him to return to the Board in 12 months, by 31 July 2025, but we have advised his counsel that should either of the options that are being pursued yield a result inside that period, a section 26 application for an earlier hearing can be made.

Mr N Trendle

Panel Convenor