Paiea Shane WAIHIRERE 13/01/2025



Parole Hearing

Under section 21(2) of the Parole Act 2002


Hearing: 13 January 2025

at Rolleston Prison via Ms Teams

Members of the Board:

Mr N Trendle – Panel Convenor

Ms Fiona Pimm

Dr J Ioane

Counsel: Mr M Starling

In Attendance: [withheld] – Case Manager

Support Persons:              


[withheld] – Reintegration Coordinator


  1. Paiea Shane Waihirere is serving a sentence of 12 years six months imprisonment for serious sexual offending.  His statutory release date is 26 July 2029.
  2. Since he was before the Board in January last year, Mr Waihirere has attended the Medium Intensity Programme for Child Sex Offending.  He did not formally graduate that programme but has been engaging with the psychologist since its completion.  That would appear to be assisting Mr Waihirere with issues relating to his avoidance in the treatment group.  [withheld].  Upon release, Mr Waihirere is proposing to transition to the Hawke’s Bay where he is seeking supported accommodation through [withheld].  His case manager and the reintegration co-ordinator from Kia Marama advised that a transfer will be initiated in due course to enable Mr Waihirere to develop his support network and release planning generally.  Many of his whānau support are in the Southland area but that is not considered an appropriate area for his release.
  3. Mr Starling appeared as counsel and told the Board that having regard to the need for him to develop his release plan, Mr Waihirere was not in a position to seek release on parole.  He was also aware that he would not be permitted to enter the Canterbury and Otago areas when he is released on parole.
  4. Mr Waihirere accepted that he should not enter the areas in which his victim lives or moves.  Notwithstanding he went to trial and appealed the result, he expressed strong remorse at his actions [withheld].  [withheld].
  5. Mr Waihirere has completed treatment within the Kia Marama environment.  The next step is for him to be transferred to commence building plans for his release.  We invite his case manager to pursue whatever treatment opportunities are available including ongoing association with any graduates group that may be available.  Mr Waihirere needs to continue work on his safety plan and we invite his case manager to provide assistance, if required.
  6. For today parole is declined.  As Mr Starling noted, there is work to complete.  We will schedule Mr Waihirere to return to the Board in 12 months, by 31 January 2026, as the outstanding work will take some time.

Mr N Trendle

Panel Convenor